Informed Health Decisions

“We believe that it is a fundamental right of all consumers to
have a complete analysis of the risks and benefits of any test,
drug, supplement, procedure or medical practice of any type
before making a decision to proceed. This is not currently
the way medicine is practiced, and we intend to change it.”

– Dr. Pam Popper, Wellness Forum Health

We all are well aware that the current healthcare system in the United States is not working. It’s too expensive, too impersonal,usually not evidence-based, not collaborative, and frustrating for both practitioners and consumers.

Back in the day, patients trusted doctors to know it all, but in today’s healthcare world, we need to do some research in order to get the best care possible. The consumer needs to be well-informed and have objective information about health conditions and treatment options; a clear understanding of both risks and benefits; and the freedom to choose the best option for achieving long-term health improvement and maintenance. In short, consumers need to take more responsibility for and more control over their own healthcare.

To find out more about informed health decision-making, sign up here for the next FREE online workshop.

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